Hi all / as I have a problem with my routes.php routes file, have the following //llamamos a la rut...
Not even sure where to start - just looking for maybe a point in the right direction. I've got somet...
It's possible to parse Blade template from other source than .blade.php file? In my app user can bui...
Hello everyone, How can I get all files from a specific folder to output in the select form field. h...
Hello, I've a collection (tasks) and I want to count inside may blade template only completed tasks....
I am new to laravel 5. I have been working on a client app where I have setup a relationship like so...
I'm trying to have the Model (Class) validate itself. Boiler code: public function validate() {...
Hi, I'd like to find an alternative way to include the collections of sub views in one view. Here is...
Hello guys , I installed my laravel 5.1 application on a shared server for it was necessary to copy...
I have created a storelocator.php in my view with the following code : <?php $dom = new DOMD...
If in my Blade template I had this: @foreach($entries as $entry) <li>{{$entry->filename}}&l...
so if I have a master blade named master.blade.php like such: {{$app->getLocale()}} @yield('conte...
I understand this sort of breaks the structured point of Laravel, but there is method to my madness....
I have a jquery function that renders some part of the view with data after a successful ajax post r...
I am developing a laravel 5 app. In my code I inject a class that I created in App/Utilities/class.p...
Hi I am using jquery datetime picker in my site. this is my code: <link href="/blog/public/c...
We have a form that is built on the client side using an HTML template and Javascript, As informat...
i have a blade in which i have a div. the div gets the data from session. also on the same blade i h...
Hello, I have recently installed laravel debugbar (https://github.com/barryvdh/laravel-debugbar) and...
I have this basic structure in my blade file <div class="container1"> //some cont...
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