See this bin file: thanks for your help!
Most examples go something like this: return Redirect::to('register')->withErrors($validator); H...
Hi everyone, In the above snippet, you may recoil in horror when you see...
Hi All, Trying to figure out laravel validation for my user model. I can manage to return all the er...
Where can I configure the mime type settings? I am using laravel 4.2 and my upload form should valid...
Hi, any idea how to clear the input? After passing the validator my script has var_dump(Input::all()...
I am checking if the user has confirmed their account, using the rule: 'confirmed' => 'requir...
Hello everyone, I'm new to laravel and I've been learning it for a couple of weeks now. The question...
I've been wanting to make a lite ACL / permissions library that works for well and isn't tied to a d...
I have a table that may have a date or may be null. Is it possible to set an ORM validation rule th...
how to display custom messages after validation, I require that each input message is showing valida...
I wrote a blog post here which explains how you can take Dayle Ree's model validation code and turn...
Hey guys, in a controller method im checking two things, a user model and some credit card informati...
I have a form, where user selects category from DB table "categories" and column "tit...
//form {{ Form::open(array('route' => '')) }} @for($i=1; $i<=5; $i++) Inicio...
I am stuck a bit, I have a little form and auth system - Sentry. Get data from Input and validate...
Please help. If a user is on say and closes the browser, only to return after...
Hi, i generated a multiple upload form with the former generator tool from
Form {{ Form::open(array('route' => '')) }} @foreach($estaciones as $clave =>...
From php artisan tinker I called $val->passes() and get the following error [3] > $val = $play...
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