I am using Laravel 5.4 with mix to version my javascript and scss files. The problem is: it doesn't...
I'm newbie. I want to create a simple web app (ex: a forum only have home page and post pages, in ea...
I am using Laravel eloquent to design my database. Eloquent has a naming convention for naming a man...
Hey, I am trying to create simple shopping cart / order module and I've decided to connect orders an...
I am new to OOP and am still trying to grasp all of the concepts. I am trying to figure out how to...
I'm using https://github.com/kristijanhusak/laravel-form-builder for my forms. It creates 2 services...
I have been looking at the possibilities of gamification on my webapp, which has been fun to think a...
The app I'm working on now interacts with a number of third party services, in some cases more than...
Hi, I want to create admin panel in my project. Please provide me steps for admin panel creation Tha...
I have a tables user_id and event_id, every user can be added to every event, but how can I prevent...
Hi! i would like to dynamically change a path in my laravel 5.3 app from a middleware. How can I acc...
Hey guys, I am new to Laravel (5.3) and MVC in general. I currently working on my first Laravel App...
I am creating a restful api via Laravel 5. All of my reponsises will be "Response::json"....
Can I use Schema and Session class in a Middleware? I tried to use Schema::hasTable and Session::put...
Hi Guys I have this query: $user = Auth::user(); $user->jobs()->get(); where jobs is a bel...
I am running laravel v5.3.10 and the constructor is as given below, I tried using the auth middlewar...
Hey all, I've been leaning a lot about design patterns and the IoC in the past couple of weeks, and...
Hi, I follow this tutorial http://www.tutorialspoint.com/laravel/laravel_middleware.htm.. whenever I...
I have declare a variable in blade template, now i need to concatenate it in style sheet path. I wan...
I am trying to write functional tests for my app. I am using Laravel 5.2 and Codeception. I have a s...
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