Hi, When I'm using the blade templating in Laravel 4.2.1 it's appear this message: production.ERROR:...
here's my code in my view <p><?php echo $remaining_seats[$event->id]; ?>{{ $remaining...
Hi, Since moving an existing project from AWS to a new Forge spawned DigitalOcean server, it doesn't...
I'm brandnew with Laravel4 and I had trouble with Blade for several days. I searched in forums but I...
Hi (sorry for my bad english), I'm having a lot of fun with laravel but i have some isues with code...
This was an issue I posted on Github earlier but Mr Otwell closed it and advised I post it here inst...
Hi all, I tried to find the answer, but I couldn't. It seems there are some asset management package...
The blade code below doesn't render posts' id. However the count of posts is 3. Where is the problem...
I have this in views and work fine (show only first five): @foreach ( $tema->posts()->paginate...
I can't find any docs on File helper like File::exists($myfile). Pl help me.
Hi guys, Im using INK by ZURB to send out a responsive email template. BUT when laravel sends out my...
Hi everybody. I'm new to Laravel and this is the first framework I use, I'm loving it so far. I have...
I view report with View::make() with the large data, but Chrome Browser is crash? pl help me.
Could I load view with new tab in browser? Pl help me.
I'm trying to get the Desmart Pagination Package (https://github.com/DeSmart/pagination) up and runn...
I'm just new in laravel. I'm using laravel 4.1, I encounter this error sometimes. {"error"...
Hi guys. I have a link to route like this in my application view {{ link_to_route('categories.creat...
Hi! Is there an elegant way to do this? {{--*/ $wp = '' /*--}} <tbody> @foreach($tasks as $tas...
Hi, this is my store function in UserController public function store() { $activation = str_random(...
I've got a controller exposing object-data to a view: $artifacts = Artifact::with('product'); return...
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