I use, xampp extension=php_sqlsrv_55_ts.dll extension= php_pdo_sqlsrv_55_ts.dll $user = 'myuser'; $p...
I get the message "depth too great" when querying a couple of relations. These are my mode...
As I have asked a few times before, I'm developing a website/CMS to a game server for which I can no...
I notice that laravel use 0000-00-00 00:00:00 for deleted_at time ,So i change data deleted_at like...
Hi i have controller and i am taking data like this $events= Eventm::with('teacher')->get(); th...
hi for bad english writeing excusme when try to connect db and read some data any way my response co...
Hi... maybe it's a newbie question... these are my first steps with Laravel.. suppose I have in Post...
I'm currently building a REST API with laravel. I'm trying to implement filtering of results on a ro...
I have a model called 'Charges' which stores charges made by someone. I want to sum all the charges...
Hi, I am trying to create a beautiful API. Lets assume we have 2 tables, relationship one-to-many (a...
I have the following query that needs to count how many occurrences there is of the events (using an...
There are two ways to create new record in laravel $model = new MyModel; $model->field1 = 'value1...
I'm trying a simple migration(give below), but I get the "SQL Syntax Error or Access Violation&...
I'm creating a password reset functions as descibed in the Laravel docs. I've generated the password...
I am porting an application from Kohana with loads of data from both MySQL and MongoDB. I have a bun...
Hi! I'm trying to run a migration that will alter some of my tables to correct the data type of some...
i have this join statement : Item::join('buttons', 'items.cta_id','=','buttons.id')->where('build...
I must be missing something obvious here... I have a model called PlanType and another called Pricin...
Hello all! I'm getting ���� instead of accented chars like ç, ã, é... from a sqlsrv PDO connection.....
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