Here's my Level model: class Level extends Eloquent { protected $table = "levels"; }...
Hello, My query is returning the wrong product. My Order.php has a relation of public function items...
These are my models User public function posts() { return $this->hasMany('Post'); } P...
$userCollection = DB::table('collections') ->whereIn('user_id', array())...
Hi, I'm having a problem. Using migrations I create the following field: $table->boolean('is_clos...
The following would give me collection without Items. $collectionList = Collection::where('user_id',...
Hi, First question: What options should foreign keys use? Guarded? I have an Article object that has...
Hi, What would be the best method to set up a script/command to run through general migrations as we...
Hi, Q1, Is there anyway i can see how Memcache works? with laravel? What does Laravel set in the Key...
Hello All, I have a self project. I am trying to create an application that can track my financial s...
Hi Every body, my code is here Categoria -> Fisrt Model, parent of the...
How can I model dynamic tables names. For example. A product has orders, all orders for the same pr...
I have a database seeder begins with: DB::table('lessons')->truncate(); But when I run seeder, [I...
Hi... I started using laravel 2-3 months ago and for the first time I have a problem I can't solve :...
So i have problem about many to many relationship implementation in laravel I have two model, User a...
I'm deploying an app with fortrabbit, as you may know, fortrabbit does not uses localhost and have o...
Hi all, I am looking to create two models, both on top of the same table. I know that I could do wit...
Hi, I am trying to add two months to the current date : $sale->sale_date = date('Y-m-d 00:00:0...
Hello, I have a form with select name "interests" and i present multiple options so i am u...
Retrieving A Record By Primary Key $user = User::find(1); var_dump($user->name); Is there anyway...
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