I have used a relationship that returns data but when i use it it throws error "Trying to get p...
Guys how do I get complete Reference of Methods of Model Class?? like where(), Get(), first(), etc a...
after php artisan migrate, theres an error I got below: [Illuminate\Database\QueryException] SQLSTAT...
How do I use the mysql rollup feature with laravel eloquent? I did try a few but not able to get the...
Hey, I am trying to create simple shopping cart / order module and I've decided to connect orders an...
hi all I'm making a blog and i have a question : for the view post page, i use this route : Route::g...
Model <?php namespace App\Entities; use Laravel\Cashier\Billable; use Prettus\Repository\Contr...
im using php artisan make:auth any ideas on how to insert the user id of the current login-ed user?...
Hello guys! I got a problem that I'm not managing to solve. I have a model called "Jogo" t...
Hello, I'm trying to create a system that will link multiple images with posts, for example, I want...
I am taking data from a junction table and want to chunk by id but the method is not recognized. Her...
Hi, There's my local cnx data. 'driver' => 'mysql', 'host' => '', 'database'...
I have been looking at the possibilities of gamification on my webapp, which has been fun to think a...
Not sure if you can post questions about Laravel 5 yet? Running "php artisan db:seed" in...
I'm running into an error that I can't solve. The mentions online aren't giving me a viable solution...
I am building a form to edit a row with Form Model Binding, the problem is all radio buttons are unc...
I've just started to study Laravel using this course Laravel 5 Fundamentals but in lesson 22 I've a...
Laravel 4.2 I have this code: DB::flushQueryLog(); $album_list = Album::with(['first_photo'])->wh...
My controller : { $data = array( 'employeedetails' => EmployInfo::all(), 'designatio...
My form: {{ Form::checkbox('portfolio', 0, false) }} By default checkbox is unchecked. In controlle...
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