Hello, I'm trying to create a system that will link multiple images with posts, for example, I want...
How can I have a unique validation rule on 2 fields? a. The application should not allow two people...
I'm running into an error that I can't solve. The mentions online aren't giving me a viable solution...
I am building a form to edit a row with Form Model Binding, the problem is all radio buttons are unc...
Hi, I am very new to Larvel. I have been doing development in CI. My question is that we used to def...
Hello, is it save to always add the CSRF token to the HTML code of the main layout? E. g.: <body...
Hello, Please advise I've an error during method POST in form. An error occurred: The dev.localhost....
I try like this : ... @if(is_null($key['p3'])) {{--*/$p3 = $key['p3']/*--}} @else...
My javascript code is like this : $.getJSON("{{ url('/dropdowns/satkers') }}" + "/&qu...
Basically I'm using this guide to get recaptcha on my website. Ran composer update and all but when...
I have table with rows and their id, in view smth like this: <body> <table> <tb...
I have table, there are are rows with checkboxes. I have script that counts all checked checkboxes w...
Hi, can someone help me with the uploading of file/s. . .
Hello, I want to create a means for me to show users where they are at a page. Currently my menu is...
I just updated to 5.2 and am having a log of problems. I think that I got them all solved but this o...
<div class="form-group"> {!! Form::label('eMail', 'e-Mail', ['class'=>'co...
<textarea rows="4", cols="54" id="keterangan" name="keterangan...
Has anyone got a step by step example of actually adding a vue component such as the awesome vue-mul...
Hi, I start with sample code. This is part of form: <form> <input type="name&quo...
Hi! I am generating an edit form of an object, that is returned by Ajax. Everything's fine, but I ha...
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