Hi, I want to display error message, when login is not successful, this is what i am using, but this...
In ver 4.2 this worked: Route::get('owners', array('before' => 'auth', 'uses' => 'PownersContr...
How does Auth::logout(); work? Won't this logout all current logged in users? How do you just logo...
I am trying to upgrade our site from 4.0 to 4.1 per the Laravel docs. The site worked fine prior to...
I was wondering if it is possible to pass variables from a route filter to the controller. I current...
Hi I'm trying to create an admin section. So far I can login and logout. The only problem I have is...
How can i check if value is passed to the view? for example return View::make('view', array('result'...
I try to open my "users admin" app at http://myapp/admin/users -> this URL requires use...
hi, i have a problem with authentication. i am using multiauth. i tried to login a user then i check...
Hi everybody, I would like sign in users with runkeeper in my website. So i use the OAuth-4-laravel...
Hi, I have an application that I must limit 1 auth session per user. For example, if user a user is...
Hi everyone, laravel newbie here. I'm trying to implement (using laravel) an user-permissions model...
hello to every one, I am trying to set a cookie with php because I dont know and dont understand how...
Please help I want to prevent multiple users using same user ID simultaneously. Meaning, say a demo@...
Is there anybody who already implemented, preventing one user from logging into the service while he...
Hi, i have a cart array stored in a session. so when product is added, it should store the ID as a k...
Hi. I'm using Session driver to push values into an array and Laravel allows it like this: Session::...
I tried method Input::has('name') But even i click to choosed image, it still return false. Is this...
No user is currently logged in. Why after I create a user using a User::create() model (my applicati...
Hi, I'm creating a timesheet webapplication where only registered users can have access. Offcourse a...
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