Is there a way to have more than one permission for a route? An array doesnt work. I want something...
Hello every one, I am creating Rest Api using Laravel and i have some problem regrading Request inpu...
Can I customize the plan attribute? example, I want to give limit number to create tokens. If i choo...
Here is my code.
I have migrated form version 4.2 to 5.1. On localhost everything works fine, but as I tried to uploa...
Hello..i need some help of css coding...I didn't find css code in my css file....? Anyone know or ca...
I have brand new database and i want to make a normal foreign key relationship now i get the error:...
Hi i am trying to submit data from a modal,and i want it to,simply close the modal after submission...
I have a problem with seeding a belongsTo-relationship. My code is the following: // the Model Compo...
Hello, I am install Intervention Image package but I need to make resize image here is code $file =...
I have frequently searched advertising system/manager for Laravel and found none. I'd like to ask, m...
Hello, I'm trying to use Laravel Auth function in CKFinder to restrict anonymous using of CKFinder....
When deploying my Laravel application, my supervisor queues randomly enter the fatal status and are...
Hi, When i have the folowing in my routes: Route::group(['prefix' => '/something'], function(...
Hi I hope you are working fine.I am getting this error while installing application based on laravel...
Hi everyone, Recently I just created a variable with a leftjoin it looks a little bit like this: $it...
Hi! Currently I have this dropdown {{ Form::select( 'Shipment_Number', $orderChanges, null, ['class...
Hello, I'm trying to get the posts id and update the field on the database by the id on the URL. pos...
Hi Peeps This is like a point of sale, the page will have a field for the customer number, amount an...
Hello, I am realy new to Laravel so appologies if what I am doing is totally crazy and if any of the...
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