Hi everyone, I have a Laravel 5.0 project that I want to test on servers that supports different php...
when i run php artisan migrate i get these errors : my database is setup properly i tried both local...
I have an application in which I have been able to create users, assign roles and so on - both on th...
I am trying to upload a photo with Request::file('file')->move('location/file.type'); But it does...
I'm making an web app where people create their profile and upload pictures with its description. No...
CONTEXT Framework Laravel 5.1 Eloquent Fractal Problem morphMany is not returning any results. We...
hi, I wonder if there is a way to get the ids of the rows that have been updated. Example: \DB:('tab...
Hi, I would like to know if is possible to set a field value with another filed value in one update?...
Hi, I have this on every method on my controller: if(Auth::user()->cannot('see_all')) $post=...
Hi, I'd like to find an alternative way to include the collections of sub views in one view. Here is...
I allow my users to send emails to their clients via the application, but when the message is not de...
I tried $calls = DB::select($query)->paginate(10); but I received an error Call to a member funct...
Hi to all, this is my first post in thisi forum and i would like to brought my greetings to all of y...
i have configure bitpay testing API to pay with bitcoin when i submit form it will redirect to http...
Hello guys , I installed my laravel 5.1 application on a shared server for it was necessary to copy...
I am using Laravel 5.1.24. I have a simple 'Product' table created in db (MySQL5.5) like this: CREAT...
2/2 HttpException in AuthorizesRequests.php line 94: This action is unauthorized. 1/2 UnauthorizedEx...
Such like the title.
Hi, I have a trouble with resource controller how to naming resource routes [PATCH] ? routes.php...
Hi, can laravel send parameter from route to construct controller? Route::group(['prefix' => '{si...
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