The Problem is Here That only First value inserted in database not all . I want to save all Values i...
This is one element of my routes.php: Route::get("note/view/{id}", [ 'middleware' => &q...
Hi I have htmlentities() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given error exception in my view, b...
Hello I'm using homestead as a basis and just started to use queues + database driver I've setup sup...
Hi, everyone. I am a beginner of Laravel and PHP. I do not know how the login and registration schem...
Hi, I have to realize a system for massive invoices generation. I try to use dompdf,fpdf and other p...
I'm using sentry 2 and laravel 5 for my authentication. I recently migrated from 4.2 to 5.1. I've us...
How do i check whether a particular field value has a length of 10 or not in eloquent query
I'm looking to see if I can set a different database connection depending if a specific route group...
How to create a "Location" field similar to Th...
I tried to use image intevention with laravel 5 to upload images and resize.. but i have this error...
I have used this generator to create my api. It gives me urls like this..
Hi, everyone. I am a beginner of Laravel and PHP and developing a simple Laravel website with user r...
I'm developing a new laravel 5 application and I'm using eloquent relationships for the first time....
Hello, i am new to laravel, i want to convert ci library into laravel package style and access it i...
Hello, I need to copy a parent model and its children and its children's children. I don't want to d...
Hello, I am trying to inject an attribute on my construtor to avoid to redeclare it on every method...
CONFIG->>> return array( 'driver' => 'smtp', 'host' => '',...
Hi, everybody. I have a model named User which contains many groups, to retrieve all students, I can...
Is it mandatory to have a VPS hosting for laravel? What is a recommended hosting company? with the...
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