Hey guys! I am trying to change the out-of-the-box auth system to use a custom database structure. I...
Hello Community! All code is prototype, so syntax might be not 100% correct. I have 3 models A,B and...
Laravel 5 I want users to upload image files to my server. I can accomplish this task easily using P...
When a user fills a form and the validation fails, the user is sent back to the form with an error m...
I'm making a file upload system using Laravel, Ajax and jQuery. I am able to submit forms using Ajax...
Hi guys, I'm checking out if laravel 5 does fully support ODBC connectivity? i have a project that r...
I call $this->dispatch(new GenerateEventTotals(3)); from within a controller and 2 jobs for the s...
Hi, I am following laracasts: https://laracasts.com/series/laravel-5-fundamentals/episodes/1 and I h...
Hi, Is there's anyone here who can help me to fix this. I'm newbie in Laravel 5 and I can't even fig...
i have installed laravel and when i want to open the home page ; some thing like is is appear : / /...
Hi, I'm building a PIM for my business. I have Products, Variants and "Options". On every...
Hi EveryOne I created a package for lavarel 4 that will implement on your application a internal not...
Hello, I am facing one redirection issue with Laravel. I am using laravel 5.0.16. I am extending the...
i have a table that's belong to few other tables , at the moment of add new recored into it need all...
Hi, is it possible to have variables in the Schema builder? $table->string('us_ico')->default(...
I got 30 odd classes and code written in L4.2. Using eloquent extensively i have always used XyzMode...
Read lots of posts in Authentication/Security , but none helped me with this problem. My Validation...
Hi everyone! I'm a newbie in Laravel, and i'm right now i'm working on the Homestead vm using Larave...
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