i'm stuck at this very basic form, that i could not accomplish, which i want to build a search form...
I wanted to use https://github.com/jenssegers/laravel-mongodb for connecting to Mongodb with laravel...
Hey all I have a simple mailer that is working like a charm locally on a Homestead Vagrant box, Howe...
I have an old built project that i would like to port over to Laravel, which i am working on locally...
It's impossible for me to create configuration for my local environment, because Laravel keeps compl...
Hi all, I've played briefly with Laravel 4.1.31 on HHVM, but I'm interested whether it has 100% comp...
I have got a the following problem: I have create a simple Image Upload Process like this. public fu...
I have created a new connection in my config.database like; 'mysql' => [ 'driver' => 'mys...
Laravel 5 pagination I found vulnerability. standard pagination website.com/list_web?page=2 Paginati...
hello i want to redirect back after a validation but it should go to a specific div id, how can i do...
Please see the below tables and how to get Member -> donation[]->material by priority where is...
Here is my project structure mysite.com/mti I want to have my project name like this without copyin...
Hi This standard error page TokenMismatchException in xxxx\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken.php line 46: T...
Hello, Sometimes i got this error: 500 Internal Server Error My PHP Version 5.4.4-14+deb7u14 My Lara...
Hi, I updated from Laravel 4.1 to Laravel 4.2 with "php composer.phar update". I added man...
Hello i have upload my proyect on bluehost shared hosting, but the favicon doesnt load, i have my si...
I am new to laravel and server administration in general and I need some help with the security of a...
Exploring Laravel for next project so not sure if I got the jargon right. Looking for a way to updat...
Hello, I don't know how to set the correct namespaces for my app structure. If I try to: $exampl...
#What I'm doing# I’ve been rewriting a barcode generating system using Laravel. #What's wrong# I’m i...
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