I need when deleting a record it will also create a deleted_by value. [company table] | name | creat...
Hi All. OS : Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 CP : Plesk version12.0.18 Me Need Help In install serv...
Hi I m using Laravel 5. Now I want to ad profile picture. I want that in User control page there wil...
So, I'm trying to clean up the controllers on a project I worked on recently (before I realized the...
I am using the following code in Routes.php to bind multiple parameters (using my own resolution log...
I'm trying to use csrf_token in my form , but it seems csrf_token returning nothing at all. My Code:...
Hi, Trying to upgrade from this link: http://laravel.com/docs/5.0/upgrade#upgrade-4.1 There are thre...
Hello everyone, I would like to have your opinion about a custom function that I added to blade. The...
Hello everyone, I'm very new at Laravel and trying to understand Eager Loading. I've just added some...
hi can someone point to docs or an example for getting laravel 5 working with varnish cache? i can't...
Hi; Is there anyone who can suggest me to build modular structure on L5. Because I want to seperate...
Hi, I'm trying to make integration with RabbitMQ. For this I'm using libraries: "videlalvaro/ph...
composer.json "require": { "laravel/framework": "4.1.*", "aurae...
Hi there, I'm currently developing a package in L4.2 but I'm not using the workbench I have a comple...
Hi All, I'm currently building out a new appl in Laravel 5 and for ease of organization have moved a...
While Fetching data from database and displaying it on table rows, we use @foreach(). But what if th...
Hi guys! I am trying to figure out how to create a class that contains methods with commonly used qu...
I'm currently learning Laravel, doing a simple form to insert data into database, my problem is, I c...
Hi all, I'm trying to access Auth::user() values like this: public function __construct() { $this-&...
How do I query 2 different tables and yet sequentially display them to the user based on date of ins...
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