I just had a fresh install of Homestead and did everything exactly on the tutorial. The folder mappi...
Hello this is my first time to post thread I am looking forward more to come! I m working on my tuto...
I've been trying to access the laravel docs for the last threef days and just getting the 'Oops some...
So I have this situation where i need to make dynamic amount of fields. But I can't find in document...
Hey, migrations are great if you only work with one database. Do you know any package to extend the...
Hi, I'm completely new to Laravel and I'm following the official documentation step by step. So far...
Hello! I have a huge oracle application (using yajra/laravel-oci8 for oracle interface). I want to c...
Hi guys, I want to output some listings from my database table, with a very specific relationship pa...
i have a problem like this how can i remove group prefix from the resourceful controller names my ro...
Hey Devs, My problem started with adding more websites to my forge (custom VPS) server. The first tw...
Hello. I have Location and Contact models which are many to many related. I've creted a global scope...
Hey, until now i've used the simple html form <input type="text" name="name"...
I learn Laravel and try to reproduce what is in that video. I created a database, I created an user...
SELECT * FROM abc WHERE user_id = 2 AND DATE_FORMAT(created_at,'%d-%m-%Y') < '11-09-2014' ORDER B...
Hi, After hunting around a lot I finally managed to put everything together. A sample template is gi...
In my case i have set My VT BIOS is enable after Install Virtual Box and Vagrant and i have set my...
In My Big Project L4 app, that is my very first, which I am using to learn since I ultimately want i...
hello,i'm a laravel newbie, i have got a problem.when i use Input::get('abc'),i can not get the para...
Hi, I'm new in laravel framework. Today I download laravel 4.2 and start practicing. I have a proble...
What I'm trying to do is aggregate data about customer's invoicing and credit notes contained in two...
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