I want to save some details on session when the user login i.e. simple [session_init() is vanilla ph...
Hello guys. I'm having trouble with Image Upload. I have a form with unique field, the image upload....
I want assign multiple roles for single user and want to change user role on single login
I have an app that is taking data from a form, encrypting it, writing the encrypted data to a field...
Hello, I'm having what seems to be a rather common problem for many when we first attempt to install...
Previously I was using raw SQL statements in a non-Laravel environment so this is a port from that t...
Sorry if the title is confusing - I am trying to work out best practice for an app and I am lost. Yo...
My test suite currently has 67 tests and 167 assertions. If I run the tests in a SQLite memory datab...
Hello, I'm new in laravel. My question regards a creation of a recipes site. I created one for my sc...
i have select input field in my form.So now how can i validate this input field ??????
What I'm trying to learn and understand is how to set up to where I can pass a message to my message...
I am currently doing this: if ( $article = Article::where('url', '=', $url)->count() > 1 ) { e...
Hi I have the following Problem: I have to insert more than 75 000 rows into one myisam table. I'm u...
The problem I’ve a form with a few input text, and javacsript function that allow to user to add mor...
I am using Laravel 4.1.30 (employer is stuck on php 5.3). I am new to this so please be kind ;-) Th...
just for helping . last night i ran into 500 internal server error in laravel on my shared host . wh...
On forge I have set up the variables in nginx config but doesnt look like artisan is looking at that...
I have setup Laravel and trying to run the artisan migrate command however I am getting the error [P...
i have some controller that i want to secure this from login page and i add login page and im my con...
@section('content') <h1>Neue Vorlesung Erstellen<h1> {{ Form::open(array('url'=&g...
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