I've seen several suggestions on how to create helpers for Blade: Use global functions, create a cla...
Please suggest me some reference to implement Restful crud operation for schemas and also with json...
i have class named Newses_Controller.i want to create a route so i just type those code on route.php...
Hello is there any ackage in Laravel via which we can import export CSV/Excel file in mysql database...
Helllo, I want to make a application which does the following for a company where members can borrow...
Hi I'm trying to create a template with the Blade templating engine. When I try to view the page, I...
Hi, I am going to build a website having more than 100 tables.. i have gone through couple of books...
I have laravel 4.2 with Apache & Mysql. When I start my application I get blank page in crome. H...
Hello, I try to find how to have only result where the relation return something, not when there emp...
Hello everyone, First time i am integrating the payment gateway for my laravel shopping cart applica...
I'm new to laravel and I'm busy with a tutorial, I had to create an about page and the make a route...
example php -artisan entrust:migration -Y to answer Proceed with the migration creation? [Yes|no]
Hi, I've recently moved my local dev env from MAMP to Homestead in order to clean up my system. Yet...
Today I have a User model with a method updateWith($attrbs). It's just an example. If my object is a...
The route cannot recognize between get and post ,it is take only get and my code in 'routes.php' fil...
Hi, I have installed laravel on my root folder of the server. But i had previously other folders run...
OK, I have been reading about Laraval 4, and very excited with everything that I have read so far....
We have tried 2 different affiliate programs and both generate the banner URLs in the form above. I...
How do you set defaults for timestamp column? $table->timestamp('row_modified')->default(DB::r...
I realize this is a really basic question, but I haven't been able to figure this one out. I'm tryi...
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