Hi, this is my first post. I'm pretty new on Laravel and I've a question about some query I've to do...
Hi I installed frozennode Administrator package .it's awesome but I have a problem with it. when I w...
Hello! I'm creating new model using the mass assignment: $item = Item::create($itemAttributes); dd($...
As the title states is it better to create site auth system from scratch using Laravel or use a alre...
hi according http://gastonheim.blogspot.com/2013/09/laravel-integrar-sentry-y-administrator.html I t...
I'm using this package inside my own package: https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-php-laravel How would I...
Hi guys, I have a table with records created per specific action, I am trying to count records per d...
Hi, I've never used frameworks or MVC before. I have been told that it would be easier, but everythi...
I'm using this example from the documentation: '$users = User::with(array('posts' => function($qu...
What is the schema for the database table to store Array or stdObject in a column ? When I use ->...
Hi, i have first laravel project, i have uploaded on share hosting, when i open www.mydomain.com is...
I need help to implement a web service in a laravel driver, please can you help me because I do not...
Salam, We are using Laravel-4.2, and we are developping on linux machines, the problem is that we ha...
So I have my main site setup in laravel and everything works fine, my issue is I am trying to setup...
Hi Guys, I have been trying to get my head around this. I have a method thats wrapped with a DB::tra...
Hello, I was trying to add a column / foreign key to the table in the following manner : public func...
Hey Guys i'm new at laravel 4 and i love it ! I've wrote a simple Q&A System and now i want to a...
I need to get data from the session in a package inside /vendor I used the following line: <?php...
Hi all, I have 2 tables: posts and comments. Each post has many comments (one-to-many relationship)....
I need to call SET SESSION wait_timeout=xx on my Eloquent DB connections after they are (lazily) cre...
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