I am new in laravel and working with 4.1.* version. I have a query that what will be the standard fo...
Got a quick question I am new to the concept of queues with Laravel I am using iron.io and subscribi...
In my code I retrieve a category like this: $category=Category::find($categoryID); And then echo its...
In one of my controller-functions I retrieve a model: $user=User::where('token',$token)->first();...
I'm planning on using NodeJS frontend and a Laravel backend for a project. Authentication I am plann...
I have my application timezone set to UTC so that I can store the date/time in UTC in the mysql data...
Hello folks. I am in need of a little direction on setting up a query on a many-to-many relationsh...
Hi, I'm new on Laravell and I can't create route like "en/users" or "it/users" w...
In one of my project, I'd like to output a json value from my mysql table immediately to array when...
When I use a query string ?q=use the Input::get('q'); returns null? But it has to have the word use...
I create the password with this code $user = User::find(1); $user->password = Hash::make(...
Are there any modules out there that work with LDAPS? Looking for a secure way to use our Active Di...
raiden909 liked this thread
i will exec SSH2 commands in Laravel 4 and catch the output to print it on the screen. But not on th...
I'm new in Laravel 4. and currently I'm having problems with it for folder location. 1st PROBLEM htt...
how to Implementing Client-Side Routing with laravel and angular js without the url hash?
Sorry for the noob question. I am using what I guess what is referred to a pivot table in Laravel 4...
First I read the book "From Apprentice To Artisan" and understand the whole pattern of rep...
How can I get my Laravel app to show on dev.domain.com would this be in htaccess? If so how? Thanks...
Hi, description of my problem: I have departments,projects and tasks. Users are invited/assigned to...
Hey guys .. I am a newb on the unix/bash and am hoping someone could set me in the right direction....
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