Hi there, Pretty new to Laravel, have successfully managed to register users through a form and a st...
I create login authentication using laravel 4 but when the username and password submitted, the erro...
I have installed laravel(4.2) via composer on my ubuntu desktop.. The problem is i don't find the .h...
hello am building a system has ACL using Laravel 4 with Sentry, the scenario is there should be 2 gr...
I have a "routes.php" with many get, almost all the gets must be protected with authentica...
Anyone been able to find a solution for using example.app on Homestead for Google OAuth REDIRECT URI...
Hi guys! I'm creating my first bigger laravel project. In this project I want to include Angular for...
I am trying to upgrade our site from 4.0 to 4.1 per the Laravel docs. The site worked fine prior to...
Hello, My app has a bunch of links to external websites, and those links go through a click-counting...
Hey friends; There are no errors in No errors in storage log. The record exists in the database with...
Hi I'm trying to create an admin section. So far I can login and logout. The only problem I have is...
Hi there, I new there and with laravel. I try make users Authentication but have all time have this...
Hello, first thanks for the interest in my topic! Here's my question, I have Laravel and Entrust aut...
I have 2 Laravel 4 apps built as APIs. Currently, they are protected with a custom auth driver that...
I try to open my "users admin" app at http://myapp/admin/users -> this URL requires use...
I new with virtual box and vagrant , Now I using Homestead image and every thing is run well but whe...
hi, i have a problem with authentication. i am using multiauth. i tried to login a user then i check...
Hello, I would like to know, how to use the sessions below in another php file outside laravel proje...
Hi everybody, I would like sign in users with runkeeper in my website. So i use the OAuth-4-laravel...
Hi guys, I'm trying to create an Event for sending emails, so I created a class I called observers.p...
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