Hi folks, I would like to know how can I do to call a custom directive with blade, considering these...
Hi, This is the first time i'm working with Laravel. I'm really excited. I'm facing a similar issue...
Greetings, I have a drop-down box that filters my query data and I would like it to retain the selec...
I can't seem to figure this out. I am using Font Awesome icons using a CDN. When I create the link...
Hallo , i have problem : htmlentities() expects parameter 1 to be string , i don't know error in Fo...
Hi Folks, As you may know there is no operator to set vaiables in Blade templates. For this need, I...
Hi all. I'm fairly new to Laravel but am liking it so far. I have been using the blade templates in...
Hi All, Has anyone tried doing this? I would really like to try this out and see if this helps the p...
Im creating invoice using barryvdh/laravel-dompdf what i want is when charges exist first sheet its...
Hi. I'm using ajax to get data and I want to display it in a table along with a form/button that wil...
I am trying to implement pagination with ajax + laravel pagination. UserRegistrationQueue.php contro...
hey guys i'm trying to make a one to many relationship and i have an error i can't fix , that's my p...
Hi there I am new on this forum so I would like to say Hi first. I am working with Laravel 4. Making...
I have been trying all different combinations for the last 24 hour and there's very little help on h...
I'll try my best to explain what i want to. I showing a page with some "product" on the pa...
I have a folder, in resources/assets/sass that have 2 files 1.scss and 2.scss I would want to do: el...
If I have typical tables like: User: id name country_id (foreign to country table) Country:...
This is my gulpfile.js var elixir = require('laravel-elixir'); elixir(function(mix) { mix.less([...
Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to th...
I am trying to write a link (just like ahref) in my VIEW to another VIEW page in the app. How do I...
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