Hello, I am trying to build a webshop in laravel 4.2. I am almost done with everything but in the la...
I am generating from in my blade view from database with nested foreach loop @foreach ($asdSections...
Hi all i have an issues with select the values which i created dynamic values. Here is my controller...
Hi. Just out of curiosity - how it is done, that we can have for example something like this in a vi...
I'm relatively new to Laravel so please forgive my ignorance. I'm creating an app and want to give t...
Hi, I found this line in the 5.0 documentation: abort(403, 'Unauthorized action.'); My question is...
I want to know how i can switch between https://m.sitename.com and https://www.sitename.com to displ...
Hello, I'm having the problem that whenever I try to use the {{ Form::select('id_x', $x) }} inside m...
Duplication of this question. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30615012/is-there-a-way-i-can-separ...
I have following files structure now for email templates: ~/resources/views/emails/$template.blade.p...
Hello. I got Zizaco/Entrast package installed. https://github.com/Zizaco/entrust/tree/1.0 I create a...
Hello Laravel people, Anybody know how to solve by using AngularJS file with Laravel I am not sure h...
Has anyone taken a Laravel app and ported it over to PhoneGap? I'd love to hear about your experienc...
Hello all, I know this may not be the most appropriate place to ask for Javascript help, but I'm hop...
Hi, What is the best way to show title with Laravel? With the others framework I did something like...
How would I post to a wildcard route? I have a wildcard route which has a forum on it. This is the r...
Hello, I am trying to parse blade from a database value but it just doesn't work. I have a template...
@foreach ($questions as $question) <div class="form-group">...
How can I use globals in methods? I know that in views we can type for instance {{url}} and url of w...
{!! Html::image('images/penguins.svg', 'Very powerful SEO penguins',['class' => 'penguins']) !!}...
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