Hello guys, I m new on Laravel and try to learn. Now i am busy with some coded laravel project like...
What I'm trying to learn and understand is how to set up to where I can pass a message to my message...
The problem I’ve a form with a few input text, and javacsript function that allow to user to add mor...
@section('content') <h1>Neue Vorlesung Erstellen<h1> {{ Form::open(array('url'=&g...
I am using laravel 4.. Receiving error "Symfony \ Component \ HttpKernel \ Exception \ NotFound...
I also asked this in stackoverflow, if you wanna see better the code here is it> http://stackover...
In my page I have this code <li> {{ link_to_route('test', 'Test Page') }} </li> I...
Hello everyone! I have some problem with Blade engine.There ara display differences in rendering bet...
I'm busy creating a laravel site and I have a layouts folder with a file called default.blade.php an...
With the help of some research I have done on the Web, I have created a function for creating a cust...
I'm trying to send a simple email. I know the issue is with my view but I don't know what I'm doing...
I´m creating a project where I let users write their own articles. This articles are most of the tim...
All of my views basically start like this: @extends("templates.core",["title"=&g...
Hi, I am new to Laravel, and as always that bothered me is the configurations of the frameworks... i...
Hello, I would like to know, how to use the sessions below in another php file outside laravel proje...
Hi, I've setup a variable to use in my master view file. This works great inside of all my views, un...
Hi, I am new to Laravel and tried the Quick Start tutorial as is. However, view is not getting rende...
I have a form which loops through an array to create the form elements, so the name of each input el...
I am working on creating a pagination using Foundation - I have the basic framework down, but now I...
Hi, in my blade template I'm using a javascript variable "Website" to store a url string,...
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