Hello. How might one go about configuring a Strict Transport Policy on canonical (non-www) domain on...
I successfully uploaded file in storage : here is rhe storage image: Storage pic I tried to setup p...
I really like Laravel. I've built an open-source project based on Laravel. Yesterday, I got an email...
Hello everybody, I've been playing around with Lumen for a bit, does anyone know how to change the h...
We have a Laravel system at work where it is only supposed to be used by staff, but they can use it...
Bonjour je voudrais savoir comment faire pour : éviter qu'un utilisateur se connecte simultanément...
I am successfully being able to encrypt a string in Laravel Web Services. But when I get the encrypt...
Hello, I am making a single user project using #laravel, Single user = the only administrator with f...
Hi I write a usercontroller with a function as doLogin that first check rules with validation and a...
I keep getting this error after updating to laravel/framework (5.1.x-dev c8ade4d) The only supported...
I'm new to Laravel. In previous projects I have had files/images that I want to be accessed ONLY by...
I have two domains: domain.dev and api.domain.dev. I want to be able to do a ajax (POST, GET) call f...
I want to develop a forum that will require a user email verification after registration. I don't kn...
Le mai 18, 2017 à 04:45, vous avez demandé à récupérer l'accès à votre compte Yahoo.
I am planning to install my laravel app in a subdomain. I can create a folder (for subdomain) outsid...
Hello All, Now i am trying to implement laravel validation on my API controller, and here is my cont...
I'm fairly sure I have this multitenancy functioning part of the time but it's not working for 1 spe...
Hello, is it save to always add the CSRF token to the HTML code of the main layout? E. g.: <body...
Hello, Route::resource('tasks', 'TasksController', array( 'where' => array('tasks' => '[0-9]+...
I made some middleware which checks if a user has registered its device. Therefore it checks if the...
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