public function postCreate() { $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), Product::$rules); if ($...
Hey, I installed Laravel with Homestead. Dependent on the Laravel documentation. The Project-Folder...
Model <?php namespace App\Entities; use Laravel\Cashier\Billable; use Prettus\Repository\Contr...
Hi I'm using laravel 5.1 and I need to send text messages. I had a look at simple sms but they have...
I'm using for my forms. It creates 2 services...
I am planning to install my laravel app in a subdomain. I can create a folder (for subdomain) outsid...
Hey guys, I've setup vagrant + homestead on my dev machine. Running "composer update" work...
I just uploaded my site to DreamHost ( and I'm now getting a TokenMismatch...
Hi! First time posting here but always reading issues and solution. Great Forum. My issue is that I...
Hi, I am very new to Larvel. I have been doing development in CI. My question is that we used to def...
I'm using Laravel workers to execute some background tasks. When I invoke the worker using 'php arti...
Hi, I have a treatment that generates 2 PDF files, and then send them by mail. When I run this direc...
I'm running a site on Laravel 4.2, deployed to DigitalOcean 1gig server via Laravel Forge on the ngi...
I've got a working auth system built using the built in auth system provided by Laravel 5.2. It's wo...
I have a config variable file which I'm using it in my controllers instead of mysql for faster perfo...
I get from here : My controller is like this : public fun...
Hi, I am an administrator of a WHM/Cpanel Server and an experienced Laravel developer, I have multip...
Hi, When I use route group with prefix and place route resource inside this group, all resource rout...
I want to change the view path (view.paths) based on a set variable. I've tried with App::before(fun...
I'm trying to show "logged in" message after user logged in to my application, actually wh...
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