Hello! I am new to laravel and am using version 5.8. I have created a Likert survey where users rank...
Hello ! Today i had a problem in my project : The disk quota was exceeded. Here, it's only my fault...
Since my postgres instance is on the same machine, I'd like to connect with unix domain sockets inst...
Hello, I am taking a pull from a Git repository of Laravel Project build up using Sail. Then i run b...
public function UpdateAbout(Request $request){ $about_id = $request->id; $blogabouttun =...
i upload images and listing the images but not showing
I'm working on a seeder that creates 3 users, one per each role I have on my app. When I run the see...
Hello, i work on project about customer manager with an API. So, I have 4 Tables on my database : Ci...
I came up with a database design that I find most appropiate for scheduling a student on a driving s...
hello, i wrote the following filter to filter a model independently by the columns. But how do I pro...
Hello beautiful people, I am currently experimenting with super long running times on a feature that...
I've implemented laracasts/cypress into our application and I've also used php artisan schema:dump -...
Heya, I have a tab in my admin panel called "items", which displays items of every categor...
hello, I'm using Laravel Version: 8.81, PHP Version: 8.1.1, Database: MySQL 8.0.23 During using DB::...
I have a local laravel project and also I have the same project on the online domain with hosting. N...
Hi i am trying to retrive information using the foreign key but it doesnt work. `<?php namespace...
I'm looking for best practice on setting up Laravel (with socialite) to handle multiple social provi...
Hi, I am trying to create a game with the tables listed below. There is a sample of the migration fi...
I'm trying to get the name and id of a certain department using the query: $department = Department:...
After model is set from(), in addGlobalScope, query field does not exist column through Schema::hasC...
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