Hello, I need fill input text with content of model but I'm not getting. I have a partil view with a...
I have these routes, Route::group(array('prefix' => '/'), function() { Route::get('hostname', '...
I came across this post where you can sanitize input before calling the rules. http://www.easylarave...
Hi, I have a form like this, {!! Form::open(array('action' => 'InfoController@index', 'method' =&...
Hello, I'm looking for a jQuery plugin to apply a mask over my monetary inputs . I tried a lot of th...
I have problems with mail send in L5.1 Page with the form showing using GET method, but when I fill...
Hey can you help me with this error ?? I'm using Laravel 5.0 which is include with login and registe...
I've created a form and I would like to have a success message show. At the moment I've only gotten...
When I Updating a data it always displays Forbidden. i dont no how to solve it. here is my code bloc...
Why removed? I barely found a notification about this on the documentation; What are the alternative...
Hi. So I am using L5 to create a simple ContactUs email form and trying to get a handle of this new...
For Forms and Html documentation i should consult the 4.2 docs? -> http://laravel.com/docs/4.2/h...
Hi. I create my routes like so Route::model('projects', 'Project'); Route::bind('projects', functio...
Hi I have htmlentities() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given error exception in my view, b...
The below code works great in Laravel 4.2: //other code up here $data['owners'] = \Illuminate\Suppor...
So this is what I've got so far. But as you'd expect, it's only filling the array with the first sub...
I have a very simple subscriptionform (email + button) that works perfectly except on my iPhone 5c....
Hi, Even though I have experience with PHP, I am new to Laravel. I've got two questions to ask to un...
edit: example of bad logic and time loss. yet useful experience! Goal: I want to have a form input f...
Hi I have a form with a drop down and a text field {!! Form::label('category_id', 'Category') !!...
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