Hi, I have a form and would like to get the user_id out when submitted here is my store function: pu...
In my application there are Job Offers and Skills. The Offer and Skill models have a many to many re...
{!! Form::open(['action' => 'LeaveController@update', 'method' => 'POST']) !!} <div class="...
my Controller <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use App\Task; use Illuminate\Http\Request;...
Hi, I have a problem with the cells in the table after foreach loop. He does not want to sort me the...
Hi all I have a view that I passed a collection of objects by route, I use laravel-datatable and fil...
auth.php 'guards' => [ 'web' => [ 'driver' => 'session', '...
Hi. fairly new to Laravel and in need of some coaching. Don't really know where to begin. I am hopin...
Hi to you all, I have a form which after it submits on a different view and return to another view l...
Hello. I just start works with laravel and right now i have this problem. I create simply system res...
Hi, I have a table user in database like below id | name | pic | level | tea...
Hello, I have used AWS server and Laravel 5.5. So main domain point to main ec2 instance, and sub do...
I'm trying to pass a parameter of a controller to a URL of a form, this parameter is in my routes bu...
Hello. I try to make a simple upload form. Problem is $request->file() is always empty and i don'...
Hello everyone, I develop an app with Laravel. This application is used by several companies and the...
I want to store form data in a json file located in storage/app/data.json with this controller class...
This is my Route : Route::post('/', 'TestController@store'); This is my controller : public fun...
I am getting an array of products from my database and need to know how to list them in a drop down...
Hey all, I have a question. I'm submitting a form and the data consists of user created questions an...
I'm getting a HTTP 400 error only in Chrome Browser, I've deleted all the cookies as some post have...
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