Hello. I'm building a big storage app for some official documents witch are also digitaly signed. I...
I have: class ProfilesController extends BaseController { public function getTest() { return Vie...
In the ./application/start.php file, is there a way to respond with the 500 error page here, before...
Hey guys, i have create a lib class for my ACL. But after call a return Redirect::route(.....) nothi...
Lets start with three examples: <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/app.css&qu...
I'm trying to catch the fatal error to display a generic error page. But the fatal error message is...
Hey, I'm trying to build a query where I want only courses that belong to a user_id are displayed. H...
Which is best solution for facebook login? Can someone help me?
Hi, I'm new to laravel and php in general. I tried to implement a RESTful JSON API that gets a json...
Considering you got this "Open" and "Solved" filters at the top, would be nice i...
I'm working on an application, and I just started pushing it to my staging server to test it out in...
Hi everyone, i have pretty weird problem. I am developing a project with Laravel with my laptop (XAM...
Is it possible to show a timer countdown (30 minutes) using a session variable and logging out when...
I'm currently using Laravel 4.0* with my app and having trouble producing clean URLs when the URL be...
Hello, I'm new to the world of Laravel my first app is running ok locally through mamp when i'm tryi...
Hi, I have just uploaded my Laravel backend and Angularjs front to Fortrabbit and I am having issues...
Route::get('/p/{id}/{name?}', array( 'as' => 'viewItem', 'uses' => 'HomeController@viewIte...
Hello, I'm currently testing Iron.io push queues for some long running (2-3 minutes) jobs. I've not...
However if I do return $response; all the data is perfectly displayed. It seems like json_decode onl...
Hi, I am trying to use foundation CSS framework with laravel. Most of the things work fine. The firs...
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