I use firewall package (http://packalyst.com/packages/package/pragmarx/firewall) in my app. This is...
I have my routes defined in routes.php Route::any('user/list', array( 'as' => 'UserList', 'uses...
I need to render a google plus share link in my project. I have the url data in my database and call...
Hello! I've got a problem with a form which should be populated with values from my database. My dat...
I have setup my connection in remote.php: 'production' => array( 'host' => '192.168.x.x...
I am in the process of writing a SPA application using angularjs for the frontend and laravel as a R...
I'm using Route::resourse(...) and when I run artisan route it shows my routes the GET routes show u...
Hi all, I use view composers heavily throughout the app I'm working on. For example, one of my rout...
Look my code: http://pastebin.com/56rY1iqD I don't understand why this filter doesn't work... This f...
This is driving me crazy! :) http://help.laravel.io/e32a1abbf88d0635b62798d1b9a3d539c2c03a3d
I'm working with Laravel. Trying to work out the best conversion for below. Would I use query builde...
I created a command called AttachUsers. When I run the command I get Argument 1 passed to AttachPhon...
hi . i have problem in put data in rest api . for test i use postman . i have one method put data ....
Hello friends, I am working with ajax and laravel is possible. done by ajax return instead of a Rout...
I want to display 'Recent Comments' from comments table, including HotelName related to that Comment...
I'm getting a "Too many open files" error on a script that downloads images and reuploads...
If had the following call in my test: $response = $this->call('GET', 'user/profile'); how can I...
I'm unable to use Clean URLs for my application (IIS, I don't manage the server, and none of the fre...
I'm new to writing test cases and I'm writing a test to see if the edit resource page is shown corre...
Hello dear firend most of time in my app I got this erro Class 'Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder' not...
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