I'm trying to run phpunit on a Homestead VM (Vagrant) and getting the following error: http://larave...
I'm trying to get a Behat environment setup within Laravel which is able to test a Laravel applicati...
Hey peoples, Just today I started looking at how to UnitTest some of my code in Laravel. In general,...
Hi Friends, I don't know this is the right place to add this kind of question/suggestion about larav...
Hi I want use laravel for creating a vulnerable web application portal to teach web attack to our st...
Hello, So I have a Laravel project hosted in source control. Continuous integration is running for P...
Hello, kindly I can help to understand why the rollover of the mobile is fine with all devices excep...
Hi, I'm currently splitting a larger app into smaller modules and would like to split the defined fa...
I have the following class: class Type extends BaseModel { use Translatable; public $translated...
Hi, I'm trying to launch my unit tests but when i write phpunit in my terminal i get "phpunit:...
I'm having trouble understanding best practices for using dependency injection with my custom classe...
I do this but can not work.. DB::table("office_costing_zone") ->orderBy("id",...
I made some middleware which checks if a user has registered its device. Therefore it checks if the...
FatalErrorException in fa17d9d6b5a07c22ff5e6c69223c8360c8d5d8ae.php line 23: Class 'session' not fou...
I'm quite new to laravel development. I'm trying to create a unit test, which should fail (response...
When I try to check my project which is running on AMPPS (AMPPS is a cross platform AMP stack) on ub...
hi i am using this : Laragon PHP 7.0 Laravel 5.3 i can not execute phpunit command or ./vendor/bin/p...
I'm using a policy on Orders such that a User can only access their own orders. Having trouble getti...
I am writing a unit test for a route passing a $id and have a ModelNotFoundException being thrown. I...
So here is the picture: I have an app that creates tenant_db for each user registered. For doing tha...
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