Hello community, I search for controls which I can use with Laravel for example jQWidgets. But I can...
I'm facing a problem with pagination of archives. When clicked it shows the first two archive posts...
This is how i enter
Laravel It is commonly known that Laravel offers expressive and elegant syntax for developing web ap...
I have 3 tables: users, category and profile tables. The profile table has user_id and category_id a...
Ajax $(document).ready(function(){ $('form').submit(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var...
I keep getting this error. <?php echo $__env->make('layouts.index', array_except(get_defined_v...
Here's my scenario https://gist.github.com/spescina/9619028 Is it possible to have Blade engine -or...
Hi, I've been working on my project and when ii try to access the show.blade.php it shows me that i'...
PHP script to check the client's IP address: <?php namespace IPv4; if(!session_id() || session_...
Hey guys ! I’m coming here with a brand new package about translation for Laravel 5. We trust that t...
Hi, i'm new with Laravel, and i'm looking for a functionality : Do you know if Laravel provide somet...
Hello, I started to learn Laravel and I have a problem. I want to upload image (name -> database)...
I have multiple stacks in my blade file and I want to read out the pushes via PHP. I know of the exi...
I am working on a CRM and I created a contact note form on my contact view. When submitted I receive...
Hi all..l have a list of users been feed from a database and view and delete can be performed any of...
Hi guys, In my blade templates, the following code: <p>Österreich</p> creates this outpu...
l am getting the error above when trying to get the merchant at a particular user id. Here is my vie...
We can put custom error views in resources/templates/error/ERRORCODE.blade.php. This works, except f...
$values = [1, 2, 3]; $string = ''; foreach ($values as $value) { $string .= $value . " AND &quo...
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