So I am requiring "components/masonry": "^4.2" in my composer.json Now what to d...
I have a problem with my laravel application, it is like a nightmare to me ? I've tried everything I...
Well I'm new to laravel, & still learning it. Basically when i use php artisan migrate, it migra...
This =has to be super simple, but I can't quite figure it out. I want guest users (not logged in) to...
at the moment, if I go to: http://localhost:8000/pubs - this displays all pubs in Brighton I would l...
I have just created a new project, created a database, setup my env creadentials, set permissions on...
Hi All, i have modern admin (
How to make this API rate limit effect all logged-in users? Route::group(['prefix' => 'auth:api',...
I'm working on a Lumen API, and my current task involves a service that involves multiple possible i...
Hi All, In the last couple of days/weeks I was working on a Laravel and VueJS package to manage the...
I have a Laravel 5.5 application I am able to login with API but unable to access routes with "...
I don't want the default 'from address' which is given in config->mail.php file to be used everyw...
Hi! I am stuck. I need to develop a medium sized application but I can't decide on the architecture....
When I 'PUT' an uploaded image file in my S3 bucket, I encounter an unusual problem: The S3 file is...
I am doing a project in Laravel 5.6 homestead. I got this error after i ran php artisan cache:config...
Hey guys, Greeting from Indonesia. I have a form in which has name of (in imaginary) id, product_nam...
i am trying to listen on a channel using this code.i already tried using that didnt wor...
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By default we can use laravel build in trait for sending password reset link through email but i my...
I have 3 tables called country,city,university the country and city value displayed as dependent wit...
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