Hi, I would like to know if is it possible to create a new project with Laravel 5.4 yet ? Or how lon...
these are my controller model and form which has checkbox array which i am trying to save to a singl...
Hello So today i moved my laravel (5.3) project to another Directory in my computer and a problem oc...
Homestead tutorial series for absolute beginners https://tutorials.kode-blog.com/homestead-laravel
Hi, I need a little help... I'm trying to run a Lumen project where composer install/update hasn't d...
hey guys have any of you guys ever use laravel for production and had to migrate all the files from...
Hi I am looking to crate a facebook messenger bot. I am trying to use the following php package tha...
I want to add on my site feature, to add ADvertisement block in custom place of my templates. Exampl...
Hello, i created a middleware that check if there is a cookie, if there isn't it create it and retur...
Google AppEngine is my server platform of choice for all new apps. It's affordable (free during deve...
Hello Community, How can i install laravel on Plesk 12 linux is that possible ? I've always tried wi...
I have a service provider that I use to share variables in views. Now I need to be able to use a var...
Hello , im trying to make a plan based site and the laravel casher doesnt seem to work , when i try...
Hey guys, I've setup vagrant + homestead on my dev machine. Running "composer update" work...
I migrate from laravel 4 to laravel 5. I modified User Model to make it compatible to laravel 5 User...
here is my code https://laravel.io/bin/E3Vby
There is a lot more to my project, and this happens in every location where I use this technique.. b...
I'm running into an error that I can't solve. The mentions online aren't giving me a viable solution...
This is a little bit heavy. I have in my cms four currencies, usd, gbp, euro and the main one chf. A...
I am building a form to edit a row with Form Model Binding, the problem is all radio buttons are unc...
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