i've been trying to deploy my recently almost completed app on heroku to try to test it remotely. th...
I know my way around a basic LAMP stack but I wouldn't call myself an advanced server admin by any m...
Hi, I am trying to install our Laravel web application on my server , the server doesn't reach the a...
Hi there, I was wondering if somebody could advise if my situation is easily solvable with Laravel....
I have two tables users and user_details and i have created a relationship between the two of them...
Hi, in my local server, login function works perfectly. When I upload the project in a VPS with Vest...
Hi there, I have a large SQL statement that I am executing like so... $result = DB::select($sql); I...
Is there anyway to convert an existent Mysql DB to the Eloquent ORM automatically? I'm creating a La...
I Have a project where subdomain are created for users like a there are john.example.com and jenny.e...
Top of my controller I have: <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use Illuminate\Http\Request;...
I know this has been asked before by others but no answer is good or explicit. Many give great worki...
currently using : laravel 5.3 session driver already tried memcached,redis my session data each ref...
Hi guys! Does anyone have any idea on how I can install php pthreads on Laravel Homestead? Is it pos...
I have got my relationships correctly set in the models. I like that I do not have to join any table...
I've had this code running since L4.3. With the latest update to L5.3.30 + the dependencies, it ap...
Hey guys, I made package to make it simpler to implement reviews and comments functionality to Larav...
I'm using the following code to have an event run in the background (sending emails) class SendEmail...
How can I use a Informix database with laravel? Seems like it doesn't support it by default. I am us...
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method Illuminate\Foundation\Application::getCachedCompilePath()...
NotFoundHttpException in Router.php line 960: in Router.php line 960 at Router->Illuminate\Routin...
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