I working on a Laravel 5.3 project. I am getting below errors when I am running gulp command in CMD....
Hi, I'm developping an application with Oracle 10g as database. In ny code, i'm creation a model and...
In my routes/web.php: Route::get('/foo', 'FooController@index')->name('route.here'); In my contr...
Hi, I have a question concerning the rollback of migrations provided by external modules. I built a...
I have 2 table user and usedetail. Having relationship(1-to-many) and working fine. But problem is w...
Hello, Info : Laravel using make:auth using form data to register and login. Problem : It must acces...
In Laravel 4 I can set app config values from index.php...for example Config::set('app.myvar','myval...
Hello everyone! I have a little problem with Polymorphic relationships en Laravel 5.2. For example,...
I want to get all users: $users=User::get(); After that i want to se for every of them the role. fo...
My regular query is like this : SELECT e.field1, b.field2, c.field3, d.field4, a.field5 , a.field6...
This works 'expected_at' => 'date|after:"2016-04-09 10:48:11"', Or this works $rules['...
Hello Am using mayconbordin/l5-stomp-queue as a Stomp ActiveMQ reader the problem is when i use the...
Hello, So I have a Laravel project hosted in source control. Continuous integration is running for P...
Am implementing full-text search with Laravel Scout and TNTSearch, everything is working fine aside...
Hello everyone, im new with laravel and vue resource and i need help to find how to pass variables f...
Try it out and leave some feedbacks. https://github.com/yappkahowe/scrumboard
#GitScrum I am developing a project called GitScrum, it is a Laravel 5.3 application to help teams u...
<?php use app\PostTable; Route::get('/', function () { // return view('welcome'); return...
im using laravel 4.2... idk this problem, but in localhost is running when in hosting im get error ....
Hi, in model Item I need in function all() to get array of different models (like groups, products,...
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