Hello guys! I'm managing my websites using Laravel Forge and I started developing some private packa...
Good afternoon! My goal is this: I want to be able to quickly writeup a class that defines the metho...
I want to use the Kendo UI in Laravel. It is work good, while I dont want to make a CRUD things with...
I'm migrating a platform builded over Yii Framework 1.1.16 to Laravel 5.3. I would like to know if t...
Dear All I'm newbie of Laravel. I would like to create a multi-language website currently. After fol...
Hi , I want to execute below command , when someone submit the post mean store function of postcontr...
Hey, I understand local storage is a client side construct and therefore isn't directly available vi...
I'm wondering how to get the correct id on join without specifying the table or 'as' in the select p...
I'm redirecting a secondary domain in my routes: Route::group(['domain' => 'http://olddomain.com'...
Hi laravel's community, I have been around a problem all day long. I am working on adding a change-p...
I fetch serious problem in token mismatch frequently. I followed many instruction from "LaraCas...
I am working on a Modular App in Laravel 5.3. I have setup module and It is working nice. My App di...
Hi, i have some app in Laravel 5 and i need impement real time chat, in this chat i need private mes...
how to use pivot table data related two tables like posts and categories. post-model.php public func...
I'm trying to get a value from Dropdown List and send it to Laravel Controller via 'onChange' AJAX....
Hello, I am using https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie for setting cookie and I want to get coo...
Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Auth\SessionGuard::login() must implement interface Illuminate\Contr...
How can I check/solve my issue with scheduler. Q: If I set multiple command as per below but it work...
I have a laravel 5.1 app. I want to run a laravel command twice a day in two days of the week. My at...
I have a set of relationships that looks like this: The users and agencies have a lot of data store...
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