Key path "file://C:\wamp64\www\blog\storage\oauth-public.key" does not exist or is not rea...
I'm using a policy on Orders such that a User can only access their own orders. Having trouble getti...
This a piece of my method: # the posts within the thread $posts = DB::table('posts') ->wher...
I want to try running multiple projects on RaspberryPI (Debian(Jessie)) on public IP address. I need...
I have Kubuntu 16.4 with LAMP, routes other than / are not working, I get 404 for those. Here is wha...
Hi, i have a web application based on Laravel 5.3, i use stripe with the Laravel Cashier lib. everyt...
I have done upload portion by viewing tutorial but don't have any idea for displaying it in website....
Hi there, Since a few months i'm working with Laravel and i love it, came from codeigniter. I have a...
I have a named route and I'm getting an error that there's no route with that name. The error I'm ge...
I‘m a newbie to laravel , trying to get a quick start with it and use command 'php artisan make:auth...
This is my first project with laravel. I have uploaded my local laravel by zipping the project and t...
I get this error mostly when I redirect to a page that I can use to send a post request. How can I s...
I'm having a problem doing internal rewrites with apache/htaccess and Laravel 5.1. The scenario is q...
So far all attempts to modify the routing methods have failed. Been following some documentation on...
I am getting this error when installing laravel 5.2 on ubuntu 14. I have used this following command...
I am writing a unit test for a route passing a $id and have a ModelNotFoundException being thrown. I...
I added a collumn in the table users I call slug, no errors or anything, it just doesn't add. Should...
Hi I am beginer in laravel. Trying to create admin panel for site. There are many admin generators....
Hi All, Good day!!! I am developing web application using Laravel. Its basically web application whe...
Hi guys, I just want to ask how to use Ajax in Laravel 4.2, because everytime I used simple Ajax and...
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