I'm creating role method in laravel, but when i start the page I have this error. If anyone has any...
Hi! I'm new in Laravel and I have a little problem with User and Roles. In a database I have users a...
My blade template is like , @if($ajax) <div class="profile" id="profile...
Hello ! I am newbie on Laravel. I am using Laravel 5.2, Centos 7. "LogicException in NTLMAuthen...
Controller: public function editar($id){ $emitentes = Emitente::all(); $destinatarios = destinatario...
Hi there! I'm like beginner with Laravel but I love it! I was wondering if there is some way to let...
I have a problem. I don't solution for get member was liked my facebook fan page. Wish have idea fr...
I would like to ask an advice. I'm trying to upload my laravel project in ftp using filezilla. I'm c...
Hi! In my company, we make login in one application (non-laravel). When the login is made, we store...
Hello, Im using Laravel 5.3 Id like to allow registrations just for users who are currently logged i...
Hello, im trying to get an user by its name. So far i can get one like that $users = User::where('na...
Hello, First, I'm no expert with Laravel, Vue or webpack.. However, I've been testing 5.3 (yes, pre-...
Hi Guys I have this query: $user = Auth::user(); $user->jobs()->get(); where jobs is a bel...
I will start a new project using laravel and an metronic admin template. As you may guess, there are...
I have install laravel 5.2 on LAMP in Digital ocean . After installation and configuration I run php...
Ive created a custom authentication in my laravel app but it seems to be directing me back to login...
i want to show detail from database from 'Detail Button' like this but laravel show me error like o...
Hey folks. I tried to override find on a model like this namespace App; use Illuminate\Database\Eloq...
PHP.ini configuration on WHM/CPanel hosting ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Dynamic Extensions ; ;;;;;;;;;;...
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