Hi So I am developing this Laravel 5.1 LTS based CMS. One issue that I have come across is that I ca...
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Hello, I'd like to create my own CMS with laravel, I'm looking for the following file structure. co...
I'm trying to have multiple buttons on a form in Laravel 5.3 and depending on which button the user...
Hello, I've a problem with german umlauts like äöü and so on in Laravel 5.2. I'm saving some script...
Hello. I am trying to use the query builder as told in Laravel docs. when I pass the data to the vie...
I have one Controller eg. VendorContoller in index.blade.php i have display all details in table wit...
I have typed: php artisan make:auth php artisan migrate Question: Now because migrate worked, that m...
I want to set a slug for a user that I am saving. Should I use events? I tried this way whitout succ...
I'm trying to run the Homestead in Ubuntu 04.16 but when running vagrant up command, it returns me t...
My domain model looks like this: Person id first_name last_name other fields Position person_id c...
Hello, I have created a new Laravel 5.3 application and I have a problem with utf-8 chars which are...
Hey, I'm Eduard. I'm new to Laravel framework and I need some help from you, guys! What I'm trying r...
Since running 'composer update' to go from Laravel 5.0 to 5.1 I'm getting useless info when my app t...
Hi guys, I've setup my first Laravel Forge site that runs a VueJS 2.0 server side rendered app. I've...
I've created a master page for our site so that we maintain a similar layout throughout, but our hom...
Hello, I have a contact form, a contact mailable, and a contact mail view and a contact controller....
Hey there! Yet another package I created since i had a requirement in one of my projects. Check it o...
Hi, how to select all records from table group by created_at? When I get all rows from table it retu...
I try to understand api, oauth2, ... Now i have a problem with transformers in dingo/api. I'm sure t...
hi, i've developed an android app with laravel api backend. currently i use default api guard and Au...
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