Hello, In database migration we use ....$table->timestamps(); to make created_at and updated_at f...
I want to integrate Braintree php libary to my Laravel project (https://developers.braintreepayments...
Hello guys I have a problem and I am trying to install mollie payment gateway https://www.mollie.com...
Hi, I want to include a packages view from within a normal view. E.g.: index.blade.php (in resources...
Something in my L5.1 app is slowing everything down, adding 1s to the waiting time, which is normall...
I have separate tables for State, District, County and City. I want a user to be assigned different...
Hello, I am uploading files using Dropzone, and save them after the upload has been performed (first...
Hi guys, I need to run something like this in the mode. What I need to do is check if the date on th...
I have this structure in my application. table users: id, username table projects: id, name...
I deployed a test app on heroku, here what the Procfile contains web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2...
Hi guy, i got the problem when i deploy all the files to server. All files under /themes/default/ass...
Hi, I'm very much new to Laravel, and I'm trying to create a route Route::group(['middleware' =>...
I have a UserController and i have made a custom login function in it. public function login(Request...
Hi all, I am currently working on a very dynamic form in which fields can be added and modified at t...
I am new to laravel. i have seen some related posts but i could not find right answer. I made an aut...
Hello, So everything was working brilliant before I shut my laptop down and rebooted it, and when I...
Hi guys, First post here - so sorry if wrote things a little incorrectly or unclear. I've been usin...
I am searching for pagination example using scroll. i am currently using la-ravel 4 without blade. P...
Hi all, Just wondering, the XSRF Token cookie provided by Laravel 5.1 isn't created with a HttpOnly...
I whant change defaule auth table -- users, // migartions/2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table.ph...
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