Hello, I am very new to Laravel and thats why I have started with Laravel 4.2. Currently I am workin...
I've been away from learning laravel 5 development for quite some time. There may be a tutorial whic...
Hey there, I am new on laravel.io, but known over on Laracasts. Just looking for some github project...
I have form in that a dropdown is containing country and state and on the basis of country id i'm fi...
Hi I am using JWT for authentication so I want to be able to get the the user token with Auth:user()...
how to make this query in eloquent : SELECT employees.*, groups.name FROM employees JOIN groups ON g...
Hi all, I'm running Laravel 4.2.19 and I'm switching from iron.io to beanstalkd for my queue managem...
I have existing image on profile information then i don't want to change it. If i update my profile...
Hi, I am new to the Laravel community and i started with the last version (v5.2.16). I am using a cu...
Am currently available , and looking for any laravel , angular js , vue related jobs /gigs/ anyone g...
My website is for two people at the same time. They need to be able to login together or separately....
public function redirectToFacebookLogin() { return Socialite::driver('facebook')->redirect(); } /...
Hi I have stored my images in database using implode function images are in database like array ima...
Hi All, I am working on one web application that needs the functionality to open some files or open...
Hi, This is my first post on this site as well as a question about my first project built with larav...
Hi I've a path registered Route::patch('addressbook/edit', [ 'as' => 'addressbook.edit',...
If a user has articles and forum posts and comments, is the relationship polymorphic?? I want to let...
Im work test enviroment with laravel 5.2.*, mysql, homstead and having trouble with a MassAssignmen...
Where can i put the resize in this code thanks. $this->validate($request, [ 'email' =...
I am using Fluent Query builder. I am having two issues: I want to do union of two statements and af...
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