Hi, I'm currently using a union to jointly select search results from two tables. However, I'm strug...
Hello guys, I'm making a school system for my school and I have this problem in which I'm stuck for...
this code controller public function cart() { if (Request::isMethod('post')) { $id_product = Request...
Hi, I downloaded barryvdh/laravel-snapy i configure it as the follow: snappy.php return array(...
Hi all, I'm looking for somebody who can create a Laravel 4 package which includes Moxiemanager, the...
Hi Guys, I am getting laravel issue NotFoundHttpException while shifting our site to secure domain....
Hey what can i code if i don't want to have a image. i get error: Call to a member function getClien...
Hi, this is the common version of routing: Route::get('/test/{squirrel}', function($squirrel){$data[...
Hello everyone, kindly as I can set in .htaccess redirect 301 "manually"? For example to g...
####Like this image is going in DB ["image1","image2","image3"] but I...
I should validate if relationship exit when i create an enrtity. Example: A "Role" should...
Hi all, i should work with an existing pdf file and put placeholders on it. I've to fill them with s...
This is the problem that I encounter Undefined variable: errors (View: /var/www/html/laravel.com/res...
I have a CRM where users are able to send mail to customers. The mails is blade templates where the...
I'm building a laravel application which I would like to modularize and use doctrine instead of Eloq...
Anyone else experiencing this? Problem: During unit tests, Cache neither gets nor sets when being ca...
Hello all , i want to ask some question . i want to use database connection depending on each user l...
I need to be able to return an inline-image to the browser. The images are pulled from outside /publ...
Hi, Is there a way in 5.1 to use policies without having a logged in user? To give an example, I wou...
Hi ! Before explaining my problem, I just want to say that I'm new in laravel (and frameworks). So,...
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