In Laravel 5.1 I was able to listen the Auth.Login event, but I can't do the same on 5.2. It seems t...
I am trying to implement laravel elquent eager loading concept. Here are my two models and the contr...
Hi I am New User of Laravel so,pls can anybody help me that how two join two model i have two tab...
Hi all, I am creating a admin panel and I have 3 tables in my DB: groups, roles, users. I have a man...
Hi, I'm a beginner into Laravel. Guys maybe the same question asked before, but i think no harm aski...
I'm trying to make a api that uses route parameters so that i don't need 1000 routes for all the dif...
We made a simple login form, when we post it its working fine, we are even logged in if we check the...
I am using ajax to login user. Here is the code but not working. Although the (Auth::attempt(['email...
I'm trying to make a group of secret routes on my app. Route::group(['middleware' => 'auth.secret...
Hi everyone, i found a really strange problem using sqlsrv driver for connecting to the database. If...
I have three models that are something like Grid, GridItem, and Item. Grid has pages, rows, and cols...
I am having problems with the auth middleware. All appears to be working ok but then I noticed that...
My code is like this : <?php echo Hash::make('12345'); ?> error : Fatal error: Class 'Hash' no...
My app allows my company to upload banners that their client can then preview.. they can login and n...
Hi In my controller:` $updaterec = Sme::where('rec_id', '=', $request->id)->update(['rec_id'...
I have created a copy of running my running laravel project. But when I try with composer install, a...
I'm using Entrust and I'm having some issues. I would like middleware such as this: Route::get('arti...
Odd thing happening, my M2M Polymorphic relationships are being temperamental. I have the schema set...
I'm using slick.js slider syncing function and I'm having a problem getting it to sync. I'm also usi...
I've to work with two Projects one of which is in Laravel 4 and the other is in Laravel 5. The scena...
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