My settings for send mail MAIL_DRIVER=smtp MAIL_PORT=587 MAIL_USERNAME=xxxx...
Hi, everyone. The idea is that the site administrator will create custom product properties with dat...
Hello there, I am trying to get the most descent and powerful way to make a query to my database to...
Hey guys, I have a problem with one to many relationships. I have 2 models, User and Language. User...
How do I get the selected value from the dropdown? <p>{!! Form::select('companyname', array(''...
I have a fresh installation of Laravel using Homestead VM but cannot get the index.php view for the...
I have a table structure as this : posts id - integer name - string videos id - integer name - stri...
how i can change permission to 777 and also in bootstrap. Because i am using croppic to upload imag...
Hello , I am using Laravel 5.1 , in change language action, i wrote "App::setLocale " howe...
Mixed Content: The page at 'my_domain' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script 'my_d...
Hi, I have simple question regarding model licalization. How do you approarch this in laravel and sq...
I hope this thread finds everyone healthy. I am designing a multilingual database using laravel eloq...
Hi all, While creating a multilingual API I bumped into some problems. I have the following DB setup...
He Guys, I have a question with unit testing. I'm a bit stuck here. // SomeController public functio...
If email id wrong in to function then it should go in failure array and that array of email id shoul...
I have one table as "Consultant" and another table as "ConsultantsStatus". There...
so what do you guys do when creating tests? I have a setup method on the testcase (parent class) tha...
Hi all, I have a profile module that is related to modules through a middle table module_profile. I...
What would be the best way to update the framework leaving the same directory structure that larav...
I have some confusion on what's the difference with this codes. I have been accustomed in using eloq...
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