I have a function at the moment where a user can view a variety of items. I'm wanting to implement(c...
Hi I'm trying to add new values to the request array before it gets passed to the controller to be p...
I am creating a forum feature for my company's web app that includes nested replies that are very si...
Route file <?php Route::get('/', function () { return 'Hello World'; }); Route::get...
So I am currently developing my onepage portfolio and have decided to try and learn some Laravel in...
here it is my code: http://laravel.io/bin/yGXy8 when my entered value is match to database value it...
i have created a class as follows class CommonContainer { public $value1; public $value2; private st...
This is for a search query based on many input fields, i'm doing if statements inside the query base...
Hi, I have the following route: Url: /users/{user_id}/friends Route::get('users/{users}/friends', 'U...
I'm a long time old school procedural programmer, slowly (at my age, everything is slow) getting my...
I am using the following code to send email using laraval 4 Mail::send('emails.welcome', array('data...
I have two arrays of objects and I want to check if ids of elements of both are the same then select...
Hello How can i debug my errors in laravel 4? unlike PHP, laravel just says Whooops something went w...
Dear All, I'm currently developing a webapp using Laravel and I truly love developing on 5.1 version...
Hi everyone, I'm new in Laravel and I found that error, so any help please? PHP Catchable fatal erro...
Hello, im new to Laravel 5. In the past I tried to work with Laravel 4, but at this time, it was not...
I am trying to select from a table, but I only want to select things that have an existing relations...
Route::get('home', function(){ return view('user.aktif'); }); Route::get('home/aktif-miller', fu...
I'm trying to make changes to the user record. I expect a User Eloquent model when I call Auth::user...
Hello, I am adding a command from a package like so -- $this->app->bind('stats::command.st...
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