this is my edit function: public function edit($id) { $user = $this->user->find...
Can anyone convert this to the Laravel 4 Query Builder please? SELECT, reference, (SELECT C...
Error: Intervention \ Image \ Exception \ ImageNotWritableException Can't write image data to path [...
I am trying to attach bills to a user which they can create themselves. However I am having problems...
Hi there, I have a field in my DB that was created with Schema builder, that is behaving unlike any...
Hi, I'm using Laravel 5.1. public function redirectToProvider(AuthenticateUser $authenticateUser, Re...
I need to include 3 different storyline/articulate courses into my laravel app. Each course has a ro...
I'm currently setting up a new laravel project for my personal site and rather than using any third...
I'm updating a Rental that belongsTo a Location, and I can fill and persist the Rental data, but whe...
I have a hidden form array: Form::hidden('new_image_ids[]'); If the form is returned because of an...
I have button named Delegate and when user click on it, It must send user comment and selection to s...
Hi all Full CSRF protection support is included which many of you have waited for and a few more mil...
Which is the right solution to prevent this kind of error : undefined property. i'm working hard on...
As far as you can understand from the topic, my aim is getting the contents of a view file using an...
Good day Hi guys, how can I create a button to edit post, I user rest controller ......<a href="{...
Can someone help me to "translate" this mysql query to laravel. SET @prev=0,@rownum=0; SEL...
Hello everyone I'm making CMS and I need to upload several images to product but I also need option...
Hi I need to create the following ability on a form to create/select: Country Province Town Suburbs...
Hello, I'm getting a need for use several classes in my application and If I have a single interface...
I'm using facebook as login and I'm expecting the route to know if the root is logged in or not to u...
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