Could you please help me? My template is built in angular js and using in a Laravel project. I can v...
Hello, I am totally new on Laravel, and I have implement the User table provided by Laravel Auth, an...
I should be know about one thing from this forum. May i know that how to use facebook API for throug...
Hi, What is the proper way to format time (not timestamp)? The time field in the database is HH:MM:S...
I have a paranoid client asking me if I can encrypt the data on the .env.php file, he is uncomfortab...
Hi, I'm using DatabaseTransactions trait to have transactions on tests. I have custom connections on...
Hey all, I have a form being validated that works fine when i'm using $results = $query->get(); b...
How can I use this "SET GLOBAL group_concat_max_len = 1000000;" statement in Laravel 5 ??...
I need to use a join so that I can sort by a column in the joined table. But that join is interferin...
I'm getting totally confused trying to recreate what is a simple task with raw SQL. Basically I have...
Hello, What is secure way to make cross domain session? Because it's cross domain, domain config in...
Laravel doc mainly focus on Homestead way of installation ( its my opinion ). I haven't come across...
I'm experiencing something odd with Envoy, and I don't where I'm going wrong. It seems to ignore som...
Hi all i have an issues with header Menu I need to use the class called active it has some special e...
Hi Buddy, I have an issue with active class. I am using the the following code in the location of ap...
hello, I have implemented an ajax search mechanism and for Performance purposes I want to cache the...
I want to create one to one relationship in mysql database but I can't find any solution. User table...
With this route Route::get('home', 'PagesController@home'); I can view the page with this http://loc...
I spent 2 days trying to debug why my application wasn't persisting sessions properly only to eventu...
I'm still a laravel beginner, and I cannot figure out how to load the bitpay class. I did composer r...
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