Hi, I have a problem about seeding the pivot table. Hope anyone could help me to solve it, thanks. E...
Hello, I use a language prefix in my routing like this: Route::get('/', function(){ return Redir...
On my application I need to send emails to confirm the registration as plain text. I've made some tr...
I tried to create HomeController.php file and when I run the program on localhost received that erro...
Hello, I would like to ask how to handle Blueimp already uploaded images after unsuccessful validati...
Just installed 5.1 for the first time and the resources/view/auth isn't there in a fresh install. Th...
Hello Im trying to find the equivalent of '*' to select everything in a join operation. Attempt 1: i...
I am generating from in my blade view from database with nested foreach loop @foreach ($asdSections...
how can I make it so my that both my posts table and my videos table share the same tag.
Hi. I'm coming from CodeIgniter world (yes, I know it's a very old framework :) ), I there are a lot...
Hello, I understand how to set up and connect to the Homestead database, but I'm a bit confused abou...
Hi, I am trying to filter my query result by term and year. However, the query seems not filtering....
I have compiled a big list of Laravel resources on GitHub. The aim is to make it easier for beginner...
so in my controller which inherits another controller (parent) which in turns inherits BaseControlle...
how can I do the same login and registration Form.. Like pinterest.com and login users immediately a...
Hi, is there please anyway to push Reponse to an ajax script in the view ?
hello guyz, I have a problem with redirection in Lumen framework. My code is $del=Fees::find($id)-&...
I have my ajax request from remote to the server $.ajax({ url: <request_url>, type: 'GET...
Hi all Good evening, I have an issues with search results products here i'm using with condition to...
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